The Forest Circus
Written by
Ana Tudoraș
Illustrations by
DEM Demetrescu
"Râsete și gălăgie... / Dar deodată s-au oprit:
Ce se-aude? Ce să fie? / Cine umblă-așa grăbit?"

About the Story
Once upon a time.
Values of the Story
A fun way to learn valuable lessons
No. 1
Learning patience from animals
The natural world does not have a strict schedule, like us, instead is governed by the natural rhythms and cues of the planet. An animal is never in a rush, it takes his time to make things and knows the right moment for every action.
No. 2
Learning how to be compassionate
The relationships we have with our companion animals teaches us how to be compassionate, because it make us look beyond our needs and imagine those of another who is very different from ourselves. Compassion is all about being able to understand the feeling of another.
No. 3
How to be brave !
Animals comfort upset companions, they stay together to defend themselves and are ready to fight for they part of the wild, so they have intelligence and ability to feel and understand emotions. Children will learn that animals are their friends and have to be brave to defend their rights and place in this world.
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