Keeping alive : Art, Stories and Traditions
The Dem Creativ platform appeared as a result of the sustained effort of the team of art historians, film critics, archival researchers, entrepreneurs, graphic designers, publishers - all lovers of Dem Demetrescu's creation. Thus, after 10 years of searching archives, libraries and art collections of museums, the Dem Demetrescu collection has been enriched and reached over 1000 works - sketches, drawings, drawings, engravings, watercolors, photographs, slides and films.

Dem Creativ is a platform dedicated to children from 3 to 93 years old.
„Harta lumii noastre, în conceptul ei clar, este o reprezentare grafică în plan orizontal a suprafeței pământului (totală sau parțială), generalizată și micșorată conform unei anumite scări de proporție și întocmită pe baza unei proiecții cartografice. Plecând de la definiția elementară a hărții, vreau să vorbesc despre cei mai buni cartografi și operele lor; despre călătoriile antice; despre cuceriri de noi teritorii; despre modul de a controla informația cu ajutorul hărților; despre hărți mentale, ale memoriei, ale locurilor dragi și despre artiștii contemporani care ne ajută să evadăm - prin arta lor - din spații definite de alții.”
Adrian Buga
Adrian Buga
Tiff 2020 was an unforgettable experience.
We presented at the Art Museum in Cluj an exhibition through which the static drawings and moving frames from the animated films of Dem Demetrescu, enjoyed both children, parents and grandparents.
We presented at the Art Museum in Cluj an exhibition through which the static drawings and moving frames from the animated films of Dem Demetrescu, enjoyed both children, parents and grandparents.
Journey through the University Passage is a moment of confluence between the interactive and digitized activities in public spaces and our culture, by returning to the most picturesque places in the Romanian landscape.
Covering the pillars in the University Passage with characters from the stories illustrated by Dem Demetrescu.
Augmented reality application that passers-by can download for free through QR Code, to watch the animated map of Romania, on the phone.
Educational activities with groups of children from general schools, who will come to learn about Romania through interactive games based on Dem Demetrescu's map and characters.
Covering the pillars in the University Passage with characters from the stories illustrated by Dem Demetrescu.
Augmented reality application that passers-by can download for free through QR Code, to watch the animated map of Romania, on the phone.
Educational activities with groups of children from general schools, who will come to learn about Romania through interactive games based on Dem Demetrescu's map and characters.
“Stimulated by emotional elements, children participate in stories with great interest, they learn to listen patiently, to persevere in achieving the goal, overcoming possible difficulties, all these contribute greatly to the development of voluntary activity, to the formation of positive traits will - initiative, self-control, perseverance ... ”
A.V. Lovinescu, Jocuri de creație cu subiecte din povestiri, Editura Didactică și pedagogică, București, 1962
A.V. Lovinescu, Jocuri de creație cu subiecte din povestiri, Editura Didactică și pedagogică, București, 1962
Stories, fairy tales make a strong impression on children. The facts, the actions of the heroes excite them so strongly, that it stimulates their desire to act as they act, to think as they think. Children strive to act as their favourite heroes do, that is, to show diligence, courage, honour, justice, loyalty.
At the Literature Museum we presented the illustrations made by graphic artist Christiana Radu for the new book "Dem's World".
For the first set of childhood books written or inspired by DEM, we chose Cristiana Radu to do the exercise of a dialogue over time. In the book "Dem's World" you will discover stories, new and old illustrations, fragments from the life of the painter, illustrator and pioneer of the animated film, Dem Demetrescu, but also stories that mirror themselves to discover each other, stories that come to life either through a play of the intersection of past and contemporary illustrations with the nine, or by joining seemingly disparate fragments that intertwine as, holding hands, the children embark on the journey that will eventually reveal the world to them.
For the first set of childhood books written or inspired by DEM, we chose Cristiana Radu to do the exercise of a dialogue over time. In the book "Dem's World" you will discover stories, new and old illustrations, fragments from the life of the painter, illustrator and pioneer of the animated film, Dem Demetrescu, but also stories that mirror themselves to discover each other, stories that come to life either through a play of the intersection of past and contemporary illustrations with the nine, or by joining seemingly disparate fragments that intertwine as, holding hands, the children embark on the journey that will eventually reveal the world to them.
For the Children's Day 2019 DEM was invited by the Romanian Embassy in Portugal to present the project to the Romanian community.
We want thru this events to inspire new generations and to remind them of the richness and beauty of our cultural heritage.
We drew, we made books, we listened to stories, but most importantly we discovered DEM's world together.
We want thru this events to inspire new generations and to remind them of the richness and beauty of our cultural heritage.
We drew, we made books, we listened to stories, but most importantly we discovered DEM's world together.
First time at a book fair !
Bookfest was great, we met many people eager to learn about Dem, to discover our DEM CREATIV story. We enjoyed the large number of children and parents who visited us and enjoyed with us the stories of Dem.
Through the proposed activities and events, Dem Creativ wants to bring back in the spaces dedicated to the little ones, in nurseries, kindergartens, schools, but also in the spaces of the big ones, in art galleries or museums, the works of Dem Demetrescu to inspire and enjoy, in turn, new generations.
Bookfest was great, we met many people eager to learn about Dem, to discover our DEM CREATIV story. We enjoyed the large number of children and parents who visited us and enjoyed with us the stories of Dem.
Through the proposed activities and events, Dem Creativ wants to bring back in the spaces dedicated to the little ones, in nurseries, kindergartens, schools, but also in the spaces of the big ones, in art galleries or museums, the works of Dem Demetrescu to inspire and enjoy, in turn, new generations.
Dear world, DEM's time has come!
At Art Safari, in 2016, we launched the DEM CREATIV platform for all children and parents who want to remember their childhood stories.
More than 2000 children came and enjoyed our creative activities.
We invited all the characters of DEM: Ionică Vulpoiul, Trăncănel, Mr. Oak, Iepurașii poznașii, Neghiniță and Capra with three kids, and also the bad wolf, to tell us their forgotten story.
I also brought the "Circus from the forest" with the whole procession, with the bears dressed in "itari", with the fox wearing a "fotă", with the bunnies from Oaş and the badger with its embroidered "ilic".
We brought everyone to present you DEM CREATIV.
At Art Safari, in 2016, we launched the DEM CREATIV platform for all children and parents who want to remember their childhood stories.
More than 2000 children came and enjoyed our creative activities.
We invited all the characters of DEM: Ionică Vulpoiul, Trăncănel, Mr. Oak, Iepurașii poznașii, Neghiniță and Capra with three kids, and also the bad wolf, to tell us their forgotten story.
I also brought the "Circus from the forest" with the whole procession, with the bears dressed in "itari", with the fox wearing a "fotă", with the bunnies from Oaş and the badger with its embroidered "ilic".
We brought everyone to present you DEM CREATIV.
We are happy to be part of the winter IWA Bazar were we presented out project to all the nations invited to the fair.
Our little characters met the Japanese, Chinese, Bulgarians, Russians, Africans, French, Germans, English!
It was the most beautiful cultural interaction!
Our little characters met the Japanese, Chinese, Bulgarians, Russians, Africans, French, Germans, English!
It was the most beautiful cultural interaction!